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I use regular expressions in JavaScript fairly frequently, and although the exec() method is badass and I love the ability to use a function to generate the replacement in the replace() method, JavaScript regexes lack some very significant features available in many other languages. Amongst my biggest pet peeves is the lack of support for s and x flags, which should enable "dot matches all" (a.k.a, single-line) mode and "free-spacing and comments" mode, respectively. These modifiers are available in almost every other modern regex library.

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To remedy this, I've created a (very small) script which extends the JavaScript RegExp constructor, enabling the aforementioned flags. Basically, it gives you a constructor called XRegExp which works exactly like the RegExp constructor except that it also accepts s and x as flags, in addition to the already supported g (global), i (case insensitive), and m (multiline, i.e., ^ and $ match at line breaks). As a bonus, XRegExp also improves cross-browser regex syntax consistency.

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